Is Online Couple Therapy Right For You?: Four Questions To Consider
Online therapy is gaining popularity. And, while it’s not always a client’s first choice, many therapy clients opt to have an online session when they aren’t able to make it to a scheduled in-person appointment.
These days, some therapists are choosing to move their practices entirely online. The switch offers benefits to both therapists and clients, including less cancellations and convenience. In addition, clients are able to work with therapists in their states who are located beyond their geographical area, and therapists are able to reach clients who need their expertise and live outside their immediate community.
Despite the benefits of online therapy, there is important, even crucial, information to consider before choosing online therapy for yourself and your partner.
1 | Are you both available for sessions?
Most couple therapists require that both partners be available for couple therapy sessions. Together with your online therapist, you will determine the appropriate schedule for sessions, and, like in-person therapy, both you and your partner should be present in each session.
If you and your partner live apart, or in different states, then there may be a time zone difference. In this case, you and your therapist will explore the best times for sessions. Your therapist will also inform you of any legal issues related to cross-state therapy. For example: Currently, therapists are only able to provide therapy to residents of the states in which they are licensed. A therapist offering online therapy to partners located in different states at the time of the session must be licensed in both states. At CityCouples™, we have therapists licensed in a variety of states, so that we are able to serve couples who may be in this situation.
2 | What level of confidentiality can you ensure in each of your locations?
At CityCouples™, we use encrypted software for all therapy contact and communication, which covers video sessions, email, messaging, and phone calls. Through our client portal, your information remains confidential and secure.
However, when you are participating in an online therapy session, we recommend taking steps to ensure that your location is confidential. These steps include: testing if others can hear what you say through walls in your home or workplace, and letting family members, or colleagues, know you won’t be available during the session time. Taking these steps will help minimize the potential for disruptions, or interruptions.
Our clients participate in sessions at home, at work, and sometimes in their car. Consequently, it is often difficult to eliminate interruptions entirely, especially those due to unexpected circumstances. In order to prepare for these situations, our therapists develop a plan with each couple for re-connecting online as soon as possible when a partner must unexpectedly exit a session.
3 | What is the strength of your internet, or cellular, connection?
When you are in an online session, whether video or audio, we use secure software as well as a reliable internet connection. Beyond what we provide, the flow of the online session also benefits from the level of connectivity on your end. Before participating in an online session:
Check your internet/wifi reliability and bandwidth. Streaming level bandwidth is sufficient for online therapy.
Should you have difficulties with your connection, we recommend hard-wiring into your modem.
If you’re using a cellular phone to participate in your online session, take five minutes before joining your session to check the strength of your cellular network. This will give you time to find a more reliable connection, if the network signal is low.
Your online therapist will guide you through troubleshooting software and technology issues, if they occur.
4 | How comfortable are you with technology?
You do not need to know code, or be an engineer, to participate in online therapy. Being comfortable with the basics will do. Here’s a quick list of what’s needed for a successful online session:
Knowing how to set up a username and password for our client portal
Having a built-in, or external, camera, so that your therapist can see you, and you can see them
Understanding how to set and adjust your audio settings
As you can see, the technology aspect of an online session is straightforward, because much of the complicated tech is handled on our end, through our software.
In summary
Online therapy is a convenient option for many couples who find that making it consistently to an in-person appointment is a challenge, or those who simply prefer to participate in therapy from the comfort and security of their home, or office. Hopefully, this article has helped you understand what you need to know (and do) before beginning online therapy.
If you have questions about online therapy, contact us.
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